By OnMilwaukee Staff Writers   Published Jan 12, 2015 at 10:31 AM

Andrew Quarless caught a touchdown and helped the Green Bay Packers beat the Dallas Cowboys on Sunday, and on Tuesday he will do his part to to defeat hunger.

At 10 a.m., Quarless, along with representatives from Walmart and Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin, will meet at the Walmart Super Center at 6300 W. Brown Deer Rd. in Brown Deer to host the Defeat Hunger Bowl kickoff event.

The event is the start of a month-long food drive campaign, the third annual "Defeat Hunger Bowl."

Defeat Hunger Bowl donation barrels will be placed in over 100 Walmart and Sam’s Club stores throughout Wisconsin in the month of January with 100 percent of food donated to Feeding America.

More information and a list of the participating Walmart locations can be found here.

After addressing the audience, Quarless will sign autographs and take pictures with community members in attendance.

According to a statement released on the event, 587,000 Wisconsinites each year, including 173,000 children and 67,000 seniors, struggle with hunger and rely on organizations like Feeding America for nourishment. 


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