By Katie Klein Special to Published Feb 04, 2012 at 3:36 PM

Everyone has a breaking point. You know, the point at which we have to sit down, throw in the proverbial (and often temporary) white towel and say to hell with it ... for now.

Urban Dictionary loosely defines social fatigue as an "overuse of social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ where clashing opinions can wear out a person's tolerance." In essence, interaction on social media platforms is addicting, and this addiction is wearing people out.

Generally speaking, humans are very reactionary creatures in nature. We feel, think and take action based on others in our community. We respond. We friend, unfollow, re-follow, tweet, post a picture, comment, +1, de-friend, record a video, write a blog, stare at our walls, peruse boards of pins, check in, search, download and place tiles on a game board – mingled in with our actual daily obligations to work, family and friends. I'm tired just reading this.

I've always had a high tolerance for many balls whizzing around my head at once (#TWSS) but lately, the thought of disconnecting from social outlets in my personal life has been creeping its way front and center into my head. I'm getting tired. There, I've admitted it. This is a pretty significant milestone in my social life.

There was a time ... OK, fine, still is ... where I live, breathe, eat, digest everything that is social media. This is fueled by my desire to constantly learn, observe and practice what I've been taught. I constantly function in the "Do it. Learn from the mistakes. Do it better. Repeat." cycle. I like this mode, but there are times where I need to take a break or my cerebellum will resemble the leftovers of a Gallagher show.

I think it may be time, but I'm not sure. I like my personal social communities, a lot. I like interacting with people I know, and those I've never met – some that are a half a world away. I also struggle with shutting down and stepping away for a bit – I don't do it well at all, I never have and never will. It's how I'm wired.

So I ask you – how do you know if it's time to take a step back from your social accounts?

Katie Klein Special to

Some may call her a digital wizardess. Others may call her a bolt of snark ready to strike. But we like to call her Katie. All ninjas must have a day job, and hers is with advertising agency Boelter + Lincoln in the Third Ward. As "BootyP," her wit, criticism and comedic banter have lit up the Twitter world in Milwaukee - and now she's attacking the blogosphere. Her faithful followers know her no-BS approach to most any topic.

Her snarky-yet professional personality makes her a must-read, must-know person in this city. You can find her 14,500 feet in the air, or walking down the street in a pair of stilettos with a yoga mat strapped to her back.

Want to bribe Katie? Best to deliver massive quantities of Diet Coke, candy (gummy candy more specifically), tea and music her way.