By JC Poppe Special to Published Jan 16, 2012 at 12:22 PM

Last year's Miltown Beat Down runner-up Dave "Audiopilot" Miller (formerly Dave Derrilykt) found himself busy for the better part of last year engineering various projects for different artists, and it is only recently that he took the time to release a beat tape that reaches back into his catalog of tracks.

"Fat Laces and One Stars" showcases several of the different approaches Audiopilot uses, ranging from simpler loop-styled beats to tracks that involve a bit more than the samples as the driving force, in addition to creating soul, rock, electronic and reggae vibes on the tape.

I have dozens of Derrilykt's beats on my computer, most which have not seen the light of day via release, and sincerely hope that he takes the time to release another beat tape in the near future.

You can download "Fat Laces and One Stars" for free here.

JC Poppe Special to

Born in Milwaukee and raised in the Milwaukee suburb of Brown Deer, Concordia University Wisconsin alumnus Poppe has spent the majority of his life in or around the city and county of Milwaukee.

As an advocate of Milwaukee's hip-hop community Poppe began popular local music blog Milwaukee UP in March 2010. Check out the archived entries here.

Though heavy on the hip-hop, Poppe writes about other genres of music and occasionally about food, culture or sports, and is always ready to show his pride in Milwaukee and Wisconsin.