By Erinn Lobdell Special to Published Oct 16, 2009 at 8:59 AM

Editor's note: As the action heats up on the CBS series "Survivor: Samoa," we thought it would be interesting to ask former contestant Erinn Lobdell, the third-place finisher on last season's "Survivor: Tocantins," for her insights on the competition. Erinn, who grew up in Waukesha and now lives and works Downtown, will provide analysis following each episode through the end of the series.

Welcome to my first "Survivor: Samoa" blog! The show is a few episodes into the season, but I like to wait until things get good. I like my contestants a little hungry, crabby and paranoid, and that can take a few weeks. Also, I was on vacation for the first part of the season.

For those who missed it, let me get you caught up. The cast this season is HUGE, with 20 people!! It includes two Russells, a good one and a baddie, an awesome former Marine named Shambo, a personal chef, a rocket scientist, a cute doctor, a cop, and not one, but two hairstylists!

So far, we have seen five go in the first few episodes, including a medical evacuation. Both Hidden Immunity Idols have been found without clues and there have been some interesting twists to this season, as well. Each tribe had to choose a leader or chief in the first episode. Galu, the purple tribe, chose Good Russell, and Foa Foa (yellow) elected Mick, the physician, and yes, they call him "MickDreamy." The chiefs have had to make many decisions for the tribe, such as who participates in challenges, choosing between multiple rewards and the other twist -- which teammate to send to stay with, and spy on, the other tribe after winning a challenge.

Now, let me be straight with you, "Survivor" is an amazing, life-changing experience, but there is something every wannabe contestant needs to understand. Mostly, it sucks. There are only three things you can count on in this game: the weather will suck; the people will suck; and the food will suck. Last night, we saw all three.

This week's episode had a particularly gross challenge. Ew, just ew. I don't ever want a sea slug gut mustache. I barely even want to talk to you about it, but with Galu's victory came the decision to send someone to the other tribe and miss out on a reward. Oh, and they only won because Ashlee quit.

Which brings me to my second point. The people will suck. Russell sent Shambo to Foa Foa, AGAIN. Rookie move, Russ. Sometimes, "Survivor" feels like high school and Shambo is no cheerleader. She already feels like the odd man out and when you send her over to the other camp, they greet her with open arms ...

Did you guys even watch "Tocantins?" Looks like Shambo and her wicked mullet are about to pull an Erinn Lobdell and flip at their first chance.

Lastly, the weather. When it rains on "Survivor," you can't get out of it. You just sit there and take it for hours -- freezing, soaked, cramped, huddled up with your whole tribe, trying to convince yourself not to quit.

Some of the worst moments of my life, hands-down -- were "Survivor" rain storms. It's miserable, and it goes on for hours, even days. This week, though, the rain played an even bigger role in the game. Foa Foa was trapped in its shelter, unable to break off into pairs or threes and strategize, paralyzed by the storm. That was a stroke of luck for Liz; had "Baddie" Russell gotten his way, she would have been on the next train out.

Instead, everyone just voted their conscience and sent Ashlee, the weakest link, packing. On a tribe that can't seem to win challenges, they can thank that rain storm for helping them keep their strongest female. But next week, will we see a little more strategy?

Erinn Lobdell Special to
Erinn Lobdell didn't officially change her name last year, but it certainly seemed that way. Being on a popular reality show can have that effect. Lobdell, who was raised in Waukesha and now resides Downtown, was featured on last season's "Survivor: Tocantins" where she stunned many longtime fans of the series -- and herself -- by finishing in third place. "It was an awesome, life-changing experience," Lobdell said. In the months since "Tocantins" wrapped, Lobdell's life has gotten back to normal. She is a stylist a GLOW Salon and Spa Downtown and still makes appearances on behalf of "Survivor." She even keeps up with some of her former castmates. You can read her blogs at and follow her updates at