By Matt Mueller Culture Editor Published May 21, 2024 at 11:56 AM

These can be stressful, overwhelming times, and we want to help – so to start your day with a smile, we're going to post five funny viral videos and memes every morning. Because there's no better time for a good laugh than during bad times, and we believe in starting the day on the right foot even when things feel like they're all going wrong.

Enjoy – then be safe, be smart and be healthy. We're in this together.

1. Wired differently

That's right, folks. Hire Thomas for all your arson-related needs!

2. Took an inch off the lawn and a decade off his life

I like the lawn mower itself just ... mindin' its own business, keeping on mowing while dad has a heart attack and son almost commits vehicular manslaughter.

3. Pawsing the game

Leave it to a cat (an orange one, at that) to discover a new strategy for playing this game.

4. Spin cycle

Now, this is just me ... but if I was riding a spinning bicycle near a pile of mud and dirt, I would reconsider the white shorts. 

5. The daily dog 

Today's pupper does not seem fond of its new kennel. 

Bonus breather

To help you cope with the rest of your day, here's a little bonus breathing exercise to calm the nerves and provide a little digital therapy.

Matt Mueller Culture Editor

As much as it is a gigantic cliché to say that one has always had a passion for film, Matt Mueller has always had a passion for film. Whether it was bringing in the latest movie reviews for his first grade show-and-tell or writing film reviews for the St. Norbert College Times as a high school student, Matt is way too obsessed with movies for his own good.

When he's not writing about the latest blockbuster or talking much too glowingly about "Piranha 3D," Matt can probably be found watching literally any sport (minus cricket) or working at - get this - a local movie theater. Or watching a movie. Yeah, he's probably watching a movie.