You vote, you decide. It's time for "'s Best: Bars & Clubs 2012,"'s eighth annual readers' poll to pick Brew City's best watering holes.
In this survey, you'll find 50 questions asking you for your favorite bar options in the city. Our editorial staff came up with our 15 favorites in each category, but if you have a different opinion, write in your pick in the "other" box.
Voting runs through Jan. 30. Then we'll tally the votes, notify the winners, present the plaques, and run a series of special stories on announcing the results.
It's all in advance of's annual Bar Month, which runs the entire month of February.
How did we pick the selections for these questions? In some categories, it was easy, but in others we had to narrow it down as best as we could. We avoided duplicates wherever possible, and if we had to cut, we looked at last year's results to see which bars received the fewest votes. It's not a perfect process, but it's a consensus among the many thirsty Milwaukeeans who work at
And this year, we swapped in some new, fun questions, too. Deep, probing questions like "Strongest Drinks," "Hottest Bartenders" and "Hottest Clientele."
So pull up a bar stool and have some fun with this survey. Take your time and make your picks. Don't hesitate to share this list using Twitter and Facebook, because can really affect who wins this poll.
Cheers, Milwaukee!