Plenty of people can name an iconic movie by a famous quote or a screen shot. But how well would you do with just a picture of a stapler? How about a business card or an ice pick? wants to put you to the test. The Web site's been floating around Facebook and Twitter, giving movie buffs and curious trivia fiends a chance to test their knowledge of, well, famous objects from classic movies.
The site shows 81 silhouetted objects, then lets you fill in the title Hangman-style. The picks cover all genres and range from the days of black-and-white to this year's Oscar contenders.
Take some time today and check it out. There's no need for instructions and you don't even have to type the letters in order, so you've only got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?"
Contrary to her natural state of being, Renee Lorenz is a total optimist when it comes to Milwaukee. Since beginning her career with, her occasional forays into the awesomeness that is the Brew City have turned into an overwhelming desire to discover anything and everything that's new, fun or just ... "different."
Expect her random musings to cover both the new and "new-to-her" aspects of Miltown goings-on, in addition to periodically straying completely off-topic, which usually manifests itself in the form of an obscure movie reference.