By OnMilwaukee Staff Writers   Published Jan 18, 2012 at 12:36 PM

Have you heard, is not ready to let go of the season of sharing just yet? For 12 days, is giving away a great prize each day during the "12 days of 2012" promotion.

All you have to do is follow this link to Facebook and the follow a few easy steps. You can go back every day and enter to win the prize of the day.

Today is Day 3 of the promotion. Here's what's still to come.

Day 3: $50 gift card to COA / Cubanitas Bianchini restaurants
Day 4: $50 gift card to one of the Lowlands Group restaurants
Day 5: $50 gift card to a Bartolotta Restaurant Group restaurant
Day 6: Four Milwaukee Wave tickets
Day 7: Four Milwaukee Admirals tickets
Day 8: A membership to Milwaukee Film
Day 9: Ten sessions at Bikram Yoga
Day 10: $50 Summerfest gift card
Day 11: $30 gift card to the Milwaukee Public Market
Day 12: $50 Bartolotta Restaurant Group gift card