By Press Release Submitted to Published Jan 11, 2016 at 9:17 AM Photography: Bobby Tanzilo

Over the past year, Milwaukee’s legislative democrats have worked together to share our vision of, and commitment to, our great city. Milwaukee is unique in Wisconsin. Far too often our community’s challenges cast a shadow over our assets and contributions. While those challenges are real, they do not define us.

This publication seeks to share the progress we see every day in Milwaukee. As a delegation, we are committed to building upon the momentum we see and feel back home. Our vision is laid out in shared policies that we believe will help our community. Our commitment is to work in our legislative offices and beyond to roll up our sleeves and stand with our neighbors in building a stronger Milwaukee.

As legislators, we know Milwaukee’s future is bright – we are the cultural and economic engine of Wisconsin. The "Milwaukee Moving Forward" publication lays that out, provides clear examples of how vital Milwaukee’s economy is to Wisconsin, and showcases examples of positive change throughout our community. We encourage all Wisconsinites to get to know our community and the great things going on everyday in neighborhoods throughout Milwaukee.

"As the chairman of the delegation of Milwaukee’s democratic legislators, I’m incredibly proud of the Moving Milwaukee Forward publication. I am grateful for the hard work of our neighbors that together make Milwaukee such a great place to live, work, and play. I hope readers enjoy seeing the momentum in Milwaukee!"

You can find a copy of the publication on my legislative website.