The "Social Circle" is a group effort between readers, social networkers and the editors. Every Monday, we ask a question via Facebook and Twitter and then post the responses from our Facebook "likers" and Twitter followers in this column. Well-known Milwaukee movers and shakers will contribute, too.
This week, asked the Social Circle to name their "first world problems," meaning life complications that are annoying but, in the scheme of real world problems, are pretty minor.
The responses were many and can be read in their entirety on the Facebook page and below is a sampling. What are your first world problems?
Ryan Alby: "Sometimes if I drink too much coffee my armpits smell like chicken soup / Cousins subs."
Evelyn Brewer: "The Hoan Bridge construction."
Erica Broussard: "I heard a couple folks stating that their wallets wouldn't close because of all of the gift cards they had. (Puke)."
Jeremy Frenz: "When I purchased my new car, I was upset that I neglected to get rain-sensing windshield wipers."
Emily Garcia: "My U-verse (TV and Internet) wasn't working for about 45 minutes this weekend. You would have thought the world ended."
Anthony Garrison: "I once ran out of marinara sauce and still had 2-3 mozzarella sticks left."
Damien Jaques: "Don't want to live in this climate."
Catherine Jozwik: "I still have a flip phone."
Tim Kamin: "Trying to avoid all the plentiful, inexpensive, high calorie foods that are all around. Such a burden."
Adam Kleba: "I haven't closed Wolski's lately."
Kent Knapp: "My hot tub shut down."
Margaret Krueger: "My car doesn't have remote start."
Kyla Lahaie: "Walgreens was out of Haribo gummy bears today."
Erin Shea Linnane: "Most of my immediate problems are first-world and I have to remind myself daily to get over myself."
Michael Phillips: "There's nothing on cable and my internet isn't fast enough to stream Netflix and Hulu at the same time."
Maria Raboin: "My dishwasher's keypad stopped working. And my less-than-a-year-old iPad stopped charging."
Julie Ragland: "Cold has disabled the garage door opener. I have to get out of the car to close the garage."
Ari Rosenthal: "Being right all the time while everyone else is always wrong."
Nick Shallow: "Not having enough time to make beef jerky with all the snow plowing and cold weather."
Tia Simoni: "Myself."
Anna Spankowski: "When one of our two cars is in the shop and we have to shift our schedules around to accommodate only a single car."
Tracy Sperko: "Parking tickets."
Ellen Takerian: "Dealing with half-drank bottles of water."
Julie Teska: "Feeling bad about shopping at stores where they sell clothing made by third world people. The guilt!"
Patti Pritchard Thompson: "Neither of my two garages are big enough to store my handmade wooden sailboat!"