By OnMilwaukee Staff Writers   Published Dec 19, 2001 at 5:17 AM

This is the first in a series of advertising articles about unique Milwaukee items that can only be found at Brew City Beer Gear and at

It's mid-January, 1999. Just another day on a Milwaukee County Transit System bus. Making its normal stops, people jump on and off and go about their days. Little did Milwaukee retailer Brew City Beer Gear know that it would soon become one of their biggest days ever.

One customer on the bus stands out in the crowd. Dressed in an orange jump suit, the 18 year-old stands out so much that the entire bus is pulled over by a Milwaukee County Sheriff. His orange jump suit reads "Milwaukee County Jail," and sheriffs are convinced he's an escaped convict.

The 18 year-old is detained, but quickly released as officials learned that his jump suit was purchased at Brew City Beer Gear.

"Yeah, that was a huge and funny day for us. The media coverage was unbelievable. Local TV was all over the story, and even the national magazine The Source called and did a story on the incident," said George Keppler, who owns Brew City Beer Gear with his dad Rick and brother Frank. "We sold out of the jump suits in a day!" added Keppler.

While doesn't encourage dressing up as a jail breaker, "Milwaukee County Jail" jump suits are a fun item to wear to costume parties and around the house on weekends.

"They are great conversation starters, too, " added Keppler.

For the record, if you really get tossed in the slammer the real jump suits say "Milwaukee County Correctional Facility," not "Milwaukee County Jail."

Buy one today online. Click here: