By Press Release Submitted to Published Dec 17, 2014 at 2:20 PM

In response to recent actions by the White House to reestablish diplomatic relations with Cuba, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) issued the following statement:

"After decades of an embargo-first and embargo-only strategy of pursuing our foreign policy interests, I enthusiastically welcome the White House’s new approach to Cuba. This historic move to break the deadlock shifts America away from the days of the 1960s and has the potential to unlock a mutually beneficial future between the U.S. and the Cuban people.

"With this move comes a renewed leadership in the Americas and a valuable opportunity for improved human rights conditions and democratic reforms throughout the region. This landmark shift in policy proves that although change never comes easy or swiftly, at the end of the day, it does come. Now is the time to support the difficult work ahead to ensure that this historic opportunity is not wasted.

"As we celebrate the end of generations of isolation and a new era in U.S.-Cuban relations, let us also rejoice in knowledge that soon, American contractor Alan Gross will be reunited with his family after suffering from five years of imprisonment. His release signifies another critical step toward normalization and increased engagement between our countries. There is no doubt that this will be an unforgettable Hanukkah for the Gross family."