Not long after Wisconsin created special incentives to draw filmmakers to the state, Milwaukee has landed at No. 9 on Moviemaker magazine's list of top movie cities for 2009.
Citing the 25% tax credit available to filmmakers and the opening of RDI Stages independent stage rental facility, Moviemaker predicts in its Winter 2009 issue that Milwaukee's selection will be "easily anticipated by the locals," adding that "this confidence is not surprising when considering all Milwaukee has to offer."
Lt. Gov. Barbara Lawton is quoted as saying, "This 'Third Coast' city boasts glamour and vistas matching anything New York or Los Angeles can offer. ... Filmmakers coming to Milwaukee luxuriate in our Midwestern work ethic and frugality."
Among the films recently shot -- or partially shot in Milwaukee -- are "Public Enemies," starring Johnny Depp and "Fort McCoy."
Chicago, Atlanta and New York topped the list.