A new Newsweek.com feature "10 Summer Music Festivals to Watch (or Listen) For," highlights its picks for the Top 10 Music Festivals in the country. Summerfest makes the list.
The story differentiates "The Destination Festivals" from "The City Festivals," with Summerfest topping the list in the City Festivals category.
Here's Newsweek's blurb on the Big Gig:
Dates: June 25–July 5
Location: Milwaukee
$8–$15 festival admission daily; concerts on small stages are included
with admission; concerts on main stage at Marcus Amphitheater require
additional admission (tickets can be purchased separately through
Ticketmaster and range from around $8.50–$85)
Headliners:Bon Jovi, Conor Oberst, No Doubt, George Strait, Asher Roth, the Fray, Judas Priest
Crowd vibe: Teens, weekenders, big-haired Bon Jovi fans, a few cowboy hats and Gavin, Kingston and Zuma Rossdale, perhaps?
Hippie-meter: 3 out of 10
Rule: No kites
Differentiators: A live Summerfest Webcam that allows you to live vicariously through other attendees, if you're sick or can't afford to make it