I'm not going to lie. Fair is fair. I am an N'Sync fan and last night's concert at Miller Park completely N'stank.
First things first. Tanya Mitchell, the first of the opening acts, was pretty good for a young teenage girl. She could sing, dance and work well with an audience that could care less that she was there.
Eden's Crush, the second of the openers and a product of ABC's "Making the Band," crushed my ears and eyes. They proved the point that you can't clump a group of strangers together and expect them to have any sort of chemistry.
3LW, a group of three girls, was the best of the opening acts and they are only 13 years of age. It's not often that pop singers can sound in concert like they do on the radio.
As for N'Sync: fireworks galore, cool lasers and pre-recorded skits make this Popodyssey tour little more than a typical show at Circus, Circus.
Two hours were passed thusly: nine 10-minute, pre-recorded skits, nine songs that nobody in the audience could make out and a 20-minute review of the last tour. Very disappointing.
The skits were a journey through the last century; the silent film era, the '70s, the Michael Jackson period and Nintendo's Mortal Kombat era were all covered. If I wanted to see a pre-recorded N'Sync tape, I would have paid $5 for one and watched it at home. Bye, Bye, Bye.