By Maureen Post Special to Published Nov 05, 2009 at 11:37 AM

Earlier this week, I gave a few suggestions for autumnal cocktails that utilize seasonal flavors in the last days of fall.

One of the drinks, Pumpkin Devine, called for pumpkin butter. An ingredient I'd never heard of, I was intrigued to understand the process of making butter out of pumpkin and subsequently, how that might mix into a liquid cocktail.

Well, come to find, the answer is quite simple. See, pumpkin butter is not butter. The recipe doesn't call for a single dairy product; apparently in the culinary world, fruit "butter" refers merely to a spreadable preserve.

Fruit butters combine fruits, sugars and spices. Prompted by co-workers hoping to try something sweet, I made an apple pumpkin butter the other night and am pleasantly surprised to report the result was delicious without any arduous milking or churning.

I glanced at some recipes but created my own off the basic concept. I used three parts apple puree and two parts pumpkin, brown and white sugars plus spices like cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg that I already had at home.

I've yet to try it in the Pumpkin Devine cocktail but it's well worth the minimal effort even for just toast and biscuits.

Maureen Post Special to staff writer Maureen Post grew up in Wauwatosa. A lover of international and urban culture, Maureen received a bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

After living on the east side of Madison for several years, Maureen returned to Milwaukee in 2006.

After a brief stint of travel, Maureen joined as the city’s oldest intern and has been hooked ever since. Combining her three key infatuations, Milwaukee’s great music, incredible food and inspiring art (and yes, in that order), Maureen’s job just about fits her perfectly.

Residing in Bay View, Maureen vehemently believes the city can become fresh and new with a simple move across town.