Aside from George Bush, it’s hard to find somebody who takes more unnecessary blame and grief than Bud Selig. No matter what decision he makes, the Commissioner of Major League Baseball is reviled for it, much like his good friend, the President.
Hurricane Katrina and Global Warming? Bush’s fault.
Steroids running rampant through baseball? All Selig.
Selig is one of the least popular people in Cleveland this week after Major League Baseball shifted the Indians’ three-game series with the Angels to Miller Park in Milwaukee due to the recent snowstorms that postponed Cleveland’s home opener four times.
An online forum posted by the Cleveland Plain-Dealer is filled with venom from Indians fans that seem to think this is just another instance of Selig changing the rules of the game to make money for the Brewers.
For example, take this comment from a poster using the handle lascalgrm:
"Here's a dumb question. Why not schedule teams that come here more than one time a year to open the season? Teams like Minnesota (sic) (who play in a dome), Detroit, Chicago, Kansas City. Then if something dumb like this happens, you can play the series later in the year without too many issues. It's stupid to schedule a west coast team to play in Cleveland In early April. Plus, Selig is greedy. The $ (sic) that the city of Cleveland is losing is his gain. I think that whatever $ (sic) they make this weekend in Milwalkee (sic) should be given to the City of Cleveland & the Indians."
First of all, who in their right mind still thinks that Selig has any control over the Milwaukee franchise? Aside from being able to use his credential to get into Miller Park for free, the man has nothing to do with the team, now owned by Mark Attanasio.
Indians fans who think this deal reeks of collusion should note the fact that the president of their team, Paul Dolan, was the one who called Selig and suggested the idea. Selig, as commissioner, was to act in the best interest of the game and since it allowed the Indians a chance to play after having an entire series canceled last weekend.
Miller Park’s roof -- at least somebody appreciates it -- would prevent any further delays and cancellations for a team that hasn’t even been able to work out on a real field since returning from Spring Training. The weather is improving in Cleveland, no doubt. But the field was in an unknown shape. The move allows the players to get the games in safely.
To accuse Selig of being in cahoots with the Brewers, Angels and Indians in an effort to make money is beyond insane. Nobody will make money on this. Major League Baseball will use contingency funds to compensate both the Indians and Angels for any losses they have to endure because of the loss in revenue. The Brewers are on the hook to pay the expenses associated with hosting three baseball games on what would have been days off. This isn’t an evil plot to put money in the Brewers’ pockets.
Other fans in Cleveland are angered that they will lose out on their ticket purchases. While it’s unfortunate they will miss the Angels’ only trip to Cleveland, the tickets can be exchanged.
The Indians will probably have a pretty good following at Miller Park, thanks to the proximity of Cleveland to Milwaukee and the number of transplants in the region. Further, having played host to the filming of “Major League”, there are a lot of in-the-closet Tribe fans here.
MLB’s agreement with the player’s union say that a team can’t travel from coast-to-coast without an off day, so flipping series with the Angels wasn’t an option.
It’s understandable to be upset if you’re from Cleveland, but as long as it’s for the right reasons. Bud Selig isn’t trying to personally stick it to you in an effort to help the Milwaukee Brewers.
By the way, you’re welcome.