The "Social Circle" is a group effort between readers, social networkers and the editors. Every Monday, we ask a question via Facebook and Twitter and then post the responses from our Facebook "likers" and Twitter followers in this column. Well-known Milwaukee movers and shakers will contribute, too. turned 15 this week, which resulted in reflection for many of the staff members. Where were they and what were they doing in 1998?
This week, the Social Circle was posed the same question, and this is what they said. For the full thread, go here.
What about you? Where were you in 1998? How have you changed?
Josh Christiansen: "Probably a question for an older generation. I was in third grade, and now I don't pee my pants nearly as often."
Patrick Goesch: "Senior year at Pius, obviously too much to even get started."
Jenni Linse Hofschulte: "In 1998 I was attending the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. I was just thinking on how the world has changed; at that time we would have to watch a scrolling screen on the UWL TV station that showed the departments in alphabetical order along with course numbers and available seats. We would then call in an automated system during our assigned time to punch in our course codes. Hilarious and antiquated memory."
Kent Knapp: "Was a working musician on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, now I'm a working blacksmith on Erie Street in Milwaukee! Still carry a big hammer ..."
Jessica Koth: "I was starting my senior year at Marquette. A lot has changed ... all for the better."
Jessica McCormick: "I was in college. Single. And swore up and down that kids were not my thing. Yeah, I've been a stay-at-home mom for eight years. How time flies!"
Katie Kolberg Memmel: "Fifteen years ago I had two young children (12 and 9) and was in the thick of raising them. Both are now married and on their own. I recently took advantage of my quiet empty nest and wrote a book – can't believe how great life can be in our fifties!"
Jennifer Remiszewski: "I was a flight attendant for Midwest Express Airlines handing out chocolate chip cookies."
Trevor Smith: "Same then as now ... Bad Religion albums and shows."
Laron Taylor: "Bartending to baking!"