"Song Sung Blue" tells the story of Lightning and Thunder, a local singing duo epitomizing the ultimate in impersonation; Their shows combined hits by Neil Diamond, ABBA and Patsy Cline. Performing shows throughout the Midwest for nearly 30 years, Lightning and Thunder encapsulate both the perseverance of dedicated musicians and the struggle of working Americans.
"I first encountered Lightning and Thunder back in ’93," director Greg Kohs explains. "Lightning was belting out 'Sweet Caroline' to a crowd of grizzled bikers dancing their chaps off. That footage never made it into my Harley film, but the impression the pair left on me was lasting."
"Song Sung Blue," a full-length documentary, won film festival awards in Philadelphia, Boston, Memphis, Atlanta, Sydney and Chicago. With a cast including Milwaukee music expert Mark Shurilla, legendary Milwaukee R&B group The Esquires and Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder, "Song Sung Blue" depicts Lightning and Thunder’s quest for fame through the lens of love and tragedy.
Over the last eight years, Kohs tirelessly worked to complete this documentary detailing the life, hardship and experience of Lightning and Thunder.
Meeting the pair nearly 30 years ago while making a documentary for Harley-Davidson, Kohs helped as a roadie, documentarian and filmmaker all in the hope of capturing the spirit of this passionate and enduring couple.
"My hope is that this film exposes the passion and soul of Lightning and Thunder to a greater audience, and that by sharing their story I will have in a small way helped them to achieve their goal," Kohs explains.
"Song Sung Blue" premieres at the Oriental Theater for one day only; Thursday, Nov. 6.