Q: How can I control the "Creeping Charlie" ground ivy in my lawn?
A: To control ground ivy and any other broadleaf weed, be ready this fall (September) to spray with a herbicide.
Q: My lawn has lots of dandelions. How do I get rid of them?
A: You should apply a broadleaf herbicide to your lawn. The most effective method of control is a liquid herbicide that is sprayed onto the lawn when the dandelions are actively growing. We recommend Fertilome Weed Out with the active ingredient Trimec.
Q: I'm having difficulty growing grass underneath some of the large trees in my landscape. What would you suggest?
A: These areas can be especially difficult due to the excessive shade. Trim up the trees as much as possible to increase the sunlight. Try a shady grass seed mix or a shade loving groundcover plant. When all else fails, mulch with stone or bark.
Q: What are the benefits of lawn aeration?
A: Aerating a lawn pulls a soil plug out, which encourages the lawn's root system to expand. A larger, healthier root system means a healthier lawn on top. Seeding is usually done along with aerating.
Q: My lawn turned very brown this summer with the drought that we had. Will it come back and be a healthy lawn?
A: Yes, your lawn will come back when it gets adequate moisture. You can help it recover by putting it on a regular fertilizing program this fall. Fall fertilizing builds root system which is critical to a healthy lawn.
For the complete Fall Garden Guide, click here.