It's only several months and a few entire seasons until the 2016 Milwaukee Film Festival, but that's no reason not to start getting excited – especially as today, the festival announced that its call for entries is now open for films of all genres, forms and lengths.
As in the last four years, Milwaukee Film offers free submission for all films, and as with last year, the organization will offer to pay for those actually selected to screen at the festival in the fall.
"In the film festival world, it’s surprisingly rare to pay the filmmakers whose work you screen," said Milwaukee Film artistic and executive director Jonathan Jackson in a release. "We’re excited to take a stand for filmmakers. Could you imagine major theater, ballet or orchestra companies not paying the artists who perform in their shows?"
In addition to the festival's regular juried awards – ranging from the $10,000 Herzfeld Competition Award to the $5,000 Cream City Cinema Jury Award, just to name two – and the two non-juried audience awards, Milwaukee Film has added a new $5,000 award for the best music video in "The Milwaukee Music Video Show" to be split between the project's director and its featured musical act.
The entry form, along with eligibility information, is available at Milwaukee Film's website. Questions should be sent to
As for the actual watching of the movies? Well, you'll have to wait until when the festival starts on Sept. 22.