By OnMilwaukee Staff Writers   Published Jul 30, 2010 at 4:10 PM

The Major League Baseball non-waiver trade deadline is just 24 hours away and the Brewers, scuffling to get back into contention, have a number of pieces that may be attractive to potential trade partners.

Doug Melvin is not opposed to deadline deals, having pulled off the CC Sabathia trade in 2008 and the Francisco Cordero deal in 2007.

He's also pulled off some impressive off-season deals, sending first baseman Richie Sexson to Arizona for six players in December 2003 and dealing Scott Podsednik to the Chicago White Sox for Carlos Lee a year later.

Much of the attention thus far has focused on Prince Fielder and Corey Hart, both of whom are free agents after next season. But reports around baseball suggest that Melvin won't move either player before Saturday's non-waiver deadline.

FOX Sports baseball reporter Ken Rosenthal tweeted Thursday  that the Red Sox inquired about former closer Trevor Hoffman while others have suggested that relievers Todd Coffey and Carlos Villanueva (recently sent to Class AAA Nashville) have drawn interest.

Here's a look at the Brewers most likely to be mentioned as the deadline approaches:

IF Craig Counsell
.233 BA / 1 HR / 13 RBI

Counsell's name hasn't been heard much around the water cooler, especially with his numbers this season, but he might be a valuable commodity for a team looking for a veteran bat off the bench, or a utility infielder that has been in a pennant race before.

1B Prince Fielder
.259 / 24 / 49

Many think that the Brewers could get a king's ransom for Fielder. But with the first baseman suffering through a "down" season, eligible for free agency after next season and expected to command a fortune under the guidance of agent Scott Boras, the return might be better in the off-season, when teams are more likely to part with the number of players necessary to complete such a deal. Fielder is all but certain to be with another team by 2012, but don't be surprised if General Manager Doug Melvin waits until the off-season to make something happen.

OF Corey Hart
.292 / 22 / 70

Up until a week ago, when he injured his wrist sliding into the wall, Hart was the Brewers' most-desired player. Finally coming into his own after a couple of streaky and downright awful years, Hart's 22 home runs are second only to Fielder on the team and his RBI and slugging percentage lead the team. Since the injury, Hart's trade possibilities have diminished, but a team could step up over the weekend and take a flier.

RHP Trevor Hoffman
2-4 / 6.82 ERA / 5 saves

Baseball's all-time saves leader got off to a rough start and eventually lost the closing job to John Axford but has performed well in recent weeks (1.69 ERA in his last 15 outings). With a $7.5 million contract and $500,000 buyout for next season, Hoffman could still be dealt after the July 31 deadline if he were to clear waivers. He does have a no-trade clause in his contract, so Hoffman would have to approve any potential deal.

2B Rickie Weeks
.276 / 22 / 67

Weeks has finally started to evolve into a legitimate offensive threat this year but despite his strong on-base percentage, is still not a prototypical leadoff hitter. Still, the kid's got a lot of pop and is a free agent after next season. His track record is spotty thanks to several injuries over the years, but he's coming into his own. With prospect Brett Lawrie still at Class AA Huntsville, the team might not be ready to cut the cord.