By Pamela Kieck Fashion Columnist Published Aug 09, 2019 at 4:01 PM

Lately, I have been getting so many questions about the editing of my images on social media – what apps do I use, where do I find the locations, do I use presets and what I've learned since I started shooting everything from my iPhone! That's right: I haven't worked with a photographer or DSLR camera in over a year. All of my content is shot and edited straight from my phone.

Today I'm sharing the raw images – no editing, no filters – and showing you what I use to create the finished products with you all. So, you too, can have content like an influencer.

1. Get acclimated to your iPhone camera

Play around with your cameras modes. Personally, portrait mode is a fave of mine. Set the focus on your focal point for the picture – for me, it's usually my face – which you can do by tapping the screen so the yellow box is over what you want to focus on. Adjust the lighting by moving the sun icon next to this box up and down. Then you are ready to shoot!

2. Location, location, location

So often I would get hung up on finding the perfect location or "blogger wall" – which don't get me wrong I do still love. But one thing I learned is that you can make ANY location a great photo op if you look at it from a creative perspective and edit it right! Some of my favorite content was shot in the canned meat aisle of a dollar store. Find the right angle to shoot your image, with a good background, and be creative! 

3. Make it pretty

Now you have your raw images, but they aren't Insta-worthy yet. Time to make some tweaks and do some touchups before adding the filter to make it all aesthetically cohesive. I don't use every app for every pic, but below is the list of apps I have and use when needed to touch up a picture. 

Editing apps

  • VSCO helps adjust the lighting, saturation, exposure and more.
  • Facetune (use this sparingly) hides a zit or brightens eyes. But be careful because this app can be easily overdone.
  • Have a random person in the back of the perfect image? PicsArt lets you easily delete anything in the pic that you don't want to be there. This also is where I get my fun add ons, like stars, sequined borders and neon outline.

4. Preset time

If you know me, you know I love Tezza and everything about her aesthetic. I use her preset Tezza app on all of my pics to make my content aesthetically cohesive. The vintage preset is life! 

5. Post

Now you have a perfectly edited pic that is influencer worthy, so go ahead and post it! But remember to have fun and practice what aesthetic work best for you. Be creative and have fun!

Pamela Kieck Fashion Columnist
Pamela Kieck is a Milwaukee based fashionista and is the founder of the fashion, beauty and lifestyle website Pamela has always found herself with an intense interest in style,body positivity, and empowering women to live their best life all while looking fabulous!

Pamela has recently been named an Influencer by Vogue magazine, and is a Social Media Influencer for Cosmopolitan magazine. She enjoys a recurring gig on Milwaukee's Fox 6 Real Milwaukee as a Style/ Beauty expert.

Pamela is bold, outspoken and doesn't take herself too seriously. She is a dog mom to 2 puppies, Cooper and Winston. She can't live without mascara, oversized sunglasses and a lavender latte from Stone Creek Coffee.

Instagram: @pamelakieck
Twitter: @itspamelakieck
Pinterest: @pamelakieck
Facebook: Pamela kieck