If OnMilwaukee.com is part of your daily routine, but you've always wondered how you can be part of our innovative feature stories, then we have just the thing for you. Starting today, we're launching the OMC Insiders Club -- an opportunity for our most loyal and outspoken readers to weigh in with their take on topics written about on the pages of OnMilwaukee.com.
For example, we heard you loud and clear through our Talkback system when we published "OnMilwaukee.com's favorite drinking spots" on Feb. 13. Many of you had different ideas.
Here's your chance to make your opinions known, right along side our award-winning editorial team.
Just send an e-mail to OMCinsiders@staff.onmilwaukee.com. Include your name, where you live, and why you think you're qualified to be an OMC Insider. Then, we'll begin e-mailing you upcoming story topics a few days before they run. Just take a minute to send us back your top picks -- a few sentences will be fine -- and we'll pick the best to include in that article. OMC Insiders will also have access to free giveaways and exclusive promotions not available to anyone else. It's win-win, Milwaukee!
It's free, it's easy, and it's a great opportunity to share your Milwaukee thoughts with our one million readers per month.
We look forward to hearing your opinions and continuing to help us make Milwaukee's best daily magazine even better.