Anyone who uses the social networking site Facebook knows that it can suck up your time. Consequently, many places of business block employees' access to Facebook to discourage work time spent taking quizzes about old TV shows or "friending" forgotten grade school chums.
However, most would agree that there is an upside to Facebook, too. At the very least, it can provide free entertainment.
But what are your thoughts? Is Facebook worthwhile or is it a big waste of time? Sound off, readers, on cyber social networking.
Facebook is great tool both personally and professionally. Facebook allows people to reconnect and stay connected despite their busy lives. It makes people feel like they have a social life even if they don’t get out very much. In general, Facebook has a lot of entertainment value and it can be helpful professionally, too. You never know who you’re going to "run into" on Facebook.
Facebook is a lame time sucker. Facebook is for people who have too much time on their hands or for people who lack a real social life. No one really cares what you’re doing right now or which tarot card most represents your personality. Personally, I’d rather spend my time really talking to and meeting new people in the real world.