Ah Twitter, how I love thee.
There's nothing like using a social platform that allows you to create an account and hide behind a veil of secrecy – if you so choose – to discuss topics that, if were brought up in everyday conversation, could ignite a spirited debate amongst friends or colleagues, or some intense fisticuffs. I've seen both.
I don't talk politics. I don't talk religion. Even with my educational background (bachelor's degrees in both International Relations/Diplomacy and Political Science) you won't hear me talk about it.
OK, wait, that's not true – very rarely will you hear me talk about it, especially on Twitter. Yes, I have very loud opinions and personal relationships toward both – but they are mine, and I can get very snarky about it. And frankly, I don't want to hear others' ram their ideologies down my gullet.
It's not me, it's you, and I'm just not that into it. I don't disrespect anyone with different beliefs. Quite the opposite, actually.
Enter Twitter.
A few months ago, I was asked by a close friend, who happens to be a fellow tweeter, whether it was wise to endorse a candidate who was running for a local political chair via Twitter and Facebook.
My response: Depends on your audience and whether you're prepared to engage in a debate or lose followers – either or both could happen. You shouldn't throw your public support toward an individual if you are not prepared to defend (publicly) your position. Why bother then? And yes, people could be judgmental and unfollow you – oh well, their loss.
I love the people who tweet their passion for a religious belief and political stance. I may not pay attention or relate to the 140 characters you just posted, but I'm not going to "unfollow" you for having a viewpoint that differs from mine. Last time I checked, this was a free country and we're able to think and speak for ourselves. I know people who refuse to follow, or will even unfollow others who tweet phrases from the Bible or Quran, jabs at the current state/national political regime or just have a different viewpoint in general. Polarizing much?
Not to mention those who are just plain ignorant but are speaking like an expert on a topic. Don't get me started on that, I'll save that for another time.
The back-and-forth debates I've witnessed online – especially during the most recent kerfuffle in Madison – are pretty outstanding. Regardless which side you're on, if you could extract yourself and "view from above," you felt the passion. To me, passion trumps a political stance any day.
So this got me thinking – does Twitter make it easier to bring up inflammatory topics like religion and politics, without the fear of persecution, judgment and ridicule? What about you – do you turn a blind eye, or worse yet, disassociate yourself from others because of what you/they believe? What say you? React via the Talkbacks below ... or on Twitter. I'm @BootyP.
Some may call her a digital wizardess. Others may call her a bolt of snark ready to strike. But we like to call her Katie. All ninjas must have a day job, and hers is with advertising agency Boelter + Lincoln in the Third Ward. As "BootyP," her wit, criticism and comedic banter have lit up the Twitter world in Milwaukee - and now she's attacking the blogosphere. Her faithful followers know her no-BS approach to most any topic.
Her snarky-yet professional personality makes her a must-read, must-know person in this city. You can find her 14,500 feet in the air, or walking down the street in a pair of stilettos with a yoga mat strapped to her back.
Want to bribe Katie? Best to deliver massive quantities of Diet Coke, candy (gummy candy more specifically), tea and music her way.