In the mood for a mojito, scoop of ice cream, an age-defying elixir or a ballet body? Read on and get your fix in this week's Recommends.
Blackberry Mojito from 106seeboth – I am always on the hunt for a mojito that's at least as good, if not better, than one I can muddle in my own kitchen. This week, I found one. On a Tuesday night during happy hour these made-with-fresh-fat-blackberry mojitos were $5 and absolutely delicious. Tall, strong, refreshing and loaded with fresh fruit and mint, the cocktail was the perfect reflection of the unseasonably warm weather we've been experiencing lately. Here's to more mojitos and more warm weather. – Molly Snyder
Sassy Cow ice cream – I'm a big fan of most anything that Wisconsin's Sassy Cow Creamery (in Columbus, northeast of Madison) makes. There's nothing like a family-owned small dairy to get things right. Recently I had the chance to try two flavors of ice cream I might not normally choose: coffee and salted caramel, and Sassy Cow has converted me once again. Both are smooth and sweet without being cloyingly so. The salted caramel is like those delicious sea salt-infused caramel candies, a mix of sweet and salty that is alluring. The coffee especially won me over. I usually find coffee flavor overbearing in most anything beyond, well, coffee. But Sassy Cow has found the perfect blend, with a hint of coffee flavor that is unmistakable but which doesn't render the ice cream heavy and overwrought. Luckily, I had co-workers around to share these with or I'd have eaten them all by myself. – Bobby Tanzilo
Kiehl's Facial Fuel – I'm always up for trying products that claim to improve my complexion and slow the signs of aging (hey, I'm almost 38), so I was excited when Kiehl's sent over a trio of goodies from the Facial Fuel line. Their Energizing Face Wash is interesting; it contains caffeine that literally wakes your face up in the shower. It's a surprisingly pleasant feeling. Their "White Eagle" brushless shaving cream is a blast of menthol and camphor that works incredibly well – and I was skeptical, having used a badger hair brush for more than a year. The stuff doesn't lather at all, but shave after shave, I've been impressed with the results. Finally, the "Energizing Moisture Treatment" is exactly what I was looking for. Coming back from Arizona, I was a little sunburned, and this matte-finish, vitamin-enriched moisturizer had a subtle cooling effect and it leaves my skin looking better than without. And that's about all I could ask for. – Andy Tarnoff
Ballet Body – Don't let the name fool you. The "Ballet Body" fitness method, created by Leah Sarago, is a no-toe shoes-required, fast-paced workout system that integrates muscle elongation techniques with unique bodyweight exercises to chisel out a "no bulk" body. I discovered and became a fan of Leah Sarago via her "Ruah Mind Body Movement" DVDs and then started purchasing her downloadable Ballet Body Workouts. When I received copies of all three new Ballet Body DVDs, "Ballet Body Signature Series Upper Body," Ballet Body Signature Series Core" and "Ballet Body Signature Series Lower Body" I knew there was some innovative working out ahead. The three unique programs work systematically with the other to target your entire body. The only equipment needed besides a mat is a pair of light (1-3 pound) dumbbells for a section of the upper body DVD that is deceptively tough. I suggest doing each DVD at least once per week and repeating the one (s) that target your areas of focus at least once more. Be sure to combine these DVDs with a cardio and flexibility program for the best and most balanced results. I found the upper body DVD the most challenging (there are planks and pushups that I never thought were possible) with the core workout a close second. The lower body "class" is great too with a nice focus on balance. Learn more and purchase here. – Lindsay Garric